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To achieve the success you seek, you need more than just dependable and accurate bookkeeping. You need the genuine business expertise of BPI. We know your field, and we can offer assistance in all of its financial aspects. 


Consulting is a big part of the “plus” in Bookkeeping Plus! Think of BPI as your CFO, controller, and financial manager.




  • Set up necessary financial files and financial systems

  • Create chart of accounts

  • Develop processes and procedures

  • Set up internal controls

  • Set up payroll

  • Train on bookkeeping methodology

  • Obtain government tax ID numbers

  • Address administrative issues

  • Manage facility costs

  • Generate ideas on staffing, payroll, benefits, retirement funding, and related issues

  • Examine spending issues in marketing

  • Review financial software and related tech issues

  • Make recommendations to lower costs on credit card processing

  • Evaluate banking costs

  • Advise on reducing costs of payroll services

  • Perform previous-years’ comparison to identify areas of change or decline

  • Consider industry standards for expected costs




  • Review vendor contract amounts

  • Discuss purchase costs and needs with sales representatives

  • Make recommendations to reduce costs and improve inventory management

  • Assist your entity with proprietary software to insure accuracy of inventory and to increase profit margin on stock items

  • Review comparative financial statements with client to analyze previous pattern of growth or decline

  • Discuss equity position, financing options, and leverage position

  • Set budget and sales revenue goals

  • Prepare cost/benefit analysis of additional hiring, increased training or professional development, new investment in capital equipment, or new investment in technology or systems

  • Provide tracking by class to offer income-and-expense snapshots of various departments within your entity, for the purpose of identifying potential growth areas

  • Determine present status of public and private grants

  • Insure accurate accounting for use of grant funds

  • Prepare grant receipt and expenditure reports for use by third parties

  • Discuss new sources of grant funding and application issues

  • Insure regulatory compliance for use of grant monies


QuickBooks, system setup, or bookkeeping procedures—if you need training, call us.  We can set up your accounting and related systems and explain things in a way that helps you become more productive.


Some companies prefer to have Bookkeeping Plus handle all of their accounting needs from A to Z. Others want to handle some functions in-house (e.g. sales receipts, deposits, bills, or other data entry), and have BPI provide the rest (e.g. month-ends, accounting reports, analysis, government forms, payroll).



At BPI, we can train you or your bookkeeping staff on proper data entry, bookkeeping procedures, or the use of QuickBooks. First, let us help you design a system that meets your needs for financial accuracy, cost efficiency, and effective reporting. Then, we can generate easy-to-follow instructions for you as we train you on using your system.



As trainers and consultants, we can also teach you how to understand your accounting journals and ledgers, how to read a financial statement and know what it means, and how you as a manager or board member can use your accounting information to make better business decisions.



Schools who have significant sums of money flowing through their extra-curricular accounts can usually benefit from having their ECA Treasurer and staff trained on ECA accounting methods, to help them reduce losses or theft and minimize risk.  In addition, government agencies and schools in Indiana are required to have staff training to meet the Internal Control law. 



Bookkeeping Plus has been using QuickBooks for over two decades, in virtually every conceivable industry and for every conceivable purpose. If you want Quickbooks set-up and training, we’re your team.


We can teach you not only what to enter and where to click, but also how to understand why you are doing it. Knowing the hows and whys makes it easier and less frustrating. Call us and let us show you what we mean.


Call us and ask for CEO Beth Marsh.  She will personally listen, evaluate your needs at no charge, and honestly advise you on if Bookkeeping Plus is the best firm for you. 

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